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Los Angeles
December 2024
January 2025
February 2025
Elevator Guy @ The Bloc DTLA
We entered the elevator and I asked you about good smoothies places around DTLA…But you were much cuter than I originally thought....
Redhead outside bravo toast
I picked up a massive group coffee order and saw you standing outside. You smiled and said hi to me as I walked by. I smiled and s...
Cute Guy in Hat w/ Dog on N Vendome St. (Silver Lake)
I saw you walking your adorable dog, who clearly moves at their own pace. The first time was on my way to...
Red haired Starbucks barista @ Melrose near Faifax
[You] Red haired Starbucks barista @ Melrose near Faifax, [Me] bleach blond guy that would come in every ...
Sonic Youth@the Palladium Aug 1990 2 gay teens
This is completely bonkers of me, but what the hey right? I\'ve wondered off and on for many years what m...
Rumble WeHo
You: tattoo’d man working out right in front of me. You kept making eye contact. You should’ve said hi! Me: girl in shorts & hat. ...
Missed Connection @ DJ Seinfeld set
Guys please help. Spent all night at DJ Seinfeld playing eye tag with this beautiful woman I think might ...
Central Casting "Church Goer", Santa Clarita, 01/15-16
I feel like we first noticed each other checking in for our 5am call time, but I could be wrong. What I\'...
Cute girl at the LA Clippers Game
You said hey and I just smiled but I shoulda followed up with you, I just felt like there wasn’t an excus...
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Dark hair girl at Starbucks in Woodland Hills
You were there with an older woman and a guy around your age. I’m the tall dark hair white guy with the b...
Ginger at Sightglass Coffee 4pm
Not sure if you sat across from me at the community table on purpose but I\'ll admit that your handsome m...
1/5 FlyAway from LAX to Union Station
We shared a near-death experience when our FlyAway driver almost merged into a tow truck. You were charmi...
cute cashier @ Best Buy Woodland Hills
I returned a microphone. Then, bought a Snickers. I just wanted to say that I think you\'re cute. . . . ....
Beautiful Brunette Driving ~91’ Jimmy @ Sprouts
What a great way to start the year when a gorgeous woman complimented my truck with a wonderful smile.. ...