Los Angeles
Elevator Guy @ The Bloc DTLA
We entered the elevator and I asked you about good smoothies places around DTLA…But you were much cuter than I originally thought....
Redhead outside bravo toast
I picked up a massive group coffee order and saw you standing outside. You smiled and said hi to me as I walked by. I smiled and s...
Cute Guy in Hat w/ Dog on N Vendome St. (Silver Lake)
I saw you walking your adorable dog, who clearly moves at their own pace. The first time was on my way to...
Red haired Starbucks barista @ Melrose near Faifax
[You] Red haired Starbucks barista @ Melrose near Faifax, [Me] bleach blond guy that would come in every ...
Sonic Youth@the Palladium Aug 1990 2 gay teens
This is completely bonkers of me, but what the hey right? I\'ve wondered off and on for many years what m...
Rumble WeHo
You: tattoo’d man working out right in front of me. You kept making eye contact. You should’ve said hi! Me: girl in shorts & hat. ...
Missed Connection @ DJ Seinfeld set
Guys please help. Spent all night at DJ Seinfeld playing eye tag with this beautiful woman I think might ...
Central Casting "Church Goer", Santa Clarita, 01/15-16
I feel like we first noticed each other checking in for our 5am call time, but I could be wrong. What I\'...
Cute girl at the LA Clippers Game
You said hey and I just smiled but I shoulda followed up with you, I just felt like there wasn’t an excus...
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