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missed you
Los Angeles
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
Seeking that eye contact at Bodega
I saw you at Bodega in Santa Monica on a Tuesday afternoon. We made eye contact when you left. You sat in...
LAX waiting for lyft
I asked you if you had a driver for lyft at the LAX airport. You said it took around 30 minutes and we talked for a bit before I r...
Smiles Exchanged - DTLA
Tuesday March 22nd around 9:45 pm. You were coming out of this ramen restaurant on 7th street and I was walking home. You had a bl...
Gaslight Karaoke
You have beautiful eyes and we both had rap songs ready for karaoke. Your sister Paige was with you. I?m not sure when you left bu...
Hot springs.
You were at Glen Ivy Hot Springs today. I was sitting in a stall close to you in the mineral spring. We crossed paths a few times....
Southwest Flight San Francisco to Burbank - March 6th
We walked off the plane and into the airport at the same time. I had on a white sweater and black skirt. ...
Jogger at the Silver Lake Reservoir
I'm a 28 year old skinny guy who runs it every morning. You're an average height Latino guy. Athletic, sh...
Years ago? Avalon Hollywood.
Embarrassing, but we made out at Avalon. LOL. I?m an Asian guy with glasses. Your name was Scarlett. Student at UCLA. I wonder wha...
Girl @ California Chicken Cafe in Sherman Oaks
A long shot, but here I go. You were picking up your order yesterday (3/1), and you asked if I was standi...