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June 2024
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August 2024
Skylight Books, Saturday Evening, July 27th :)
Around 7 p.m. at the main Skylight Books ... you (M) were tall, blue (?) shirt, with brown hair and glass...
Nat’s Early Bite cutie
ISO: hottie at Nat's Early Bite in the valley this afternoon around 1:30 pm. You were tall, w/ a gray t-shirt, black work wear p...
Pretty middle aged brunette at Pasadena bookstore
I picked up your book that fell on the floor, which then I dropped mine and shared a corny joke.. you smi...
Air Canada y la Ruta de las Flores
You were flying high from your trip to El Salvador. I was flying away. Thank you for spreading your joy. ...
Striped shirt lost in dreams guy
You were close by and we kept looking at each other and later that night your were nearby but at a differ...
Saw a girl in line at universal for a water ride
hello if your seeing this respond to this post not this one anyways we made eye contact I think you were ...
I saw in a line for a water ride on July 5th (universal
I saw you in a line I think you were wearing Levi jorts a black shirt and also the shoes you had were sup...
Dodgers Stadium 4th of July
You introduced yourself to me as I was walking out, you said your name was L****. (I think it started with an L). I told you my na...
Your Sweet Mom Saw Me as a Woodstock Girl
She was visiting you from Pennsylvania and you were taking her for her first time to the Hollywood Bowl t...
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Hollywood Bowl 4th of July
It was the 4th of July celebration at the bowl. I was the gentleman behind you to the right. You were one row in front of me to th...
East Hollywood
You were in a yellow shirt and red shorts buzzing yourself into my apartment complex on a hot Saturday (6/29) afternoon in East Ho...